Quiz: Major Amendments to the US Constitution

  1. What does the 1st Amendment protect?

    • A) The right to bear arms
    • B) Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition
    • C) Protection from unreasonable searches and seizures
    • D) The right to a speedy trial
  2. Which amendment abolished slavery?

    • A) 10th Amendment
    • B) 12th Amendment
    • C) 13th Amendment
    • D) 14th Amendment
  3. The 19th Amendment granted which right?

    • A) Prohibition of alcohol
    • B) Women's suffrage
    • C) Income tax
    • D) Right to vote at 18
  4. What is the purpose of the 5th Amendment?

    • A) Right to bear arms
    • B) Right to a fair trial
    • C) Protection against self-incrimination, double jeopardy, and ensures due process
    • D) Freedom of speech
  5. Which amendment lowered the voting age to 18?

    • A) 22nd Amendment
    • B) 24th Amendment
    • C) 25th Amendment
    • D) 26th Amendment
  6. The 2nd Amendment is often associated with what right?

    • A) Freedom of speech
    • B) Right to bear arms
    • C) Protection against self-incrimination
    • D) Right to a fair trial
  7. Which amendment ended the prohibition of alcohol?

    • A) 18th Amendment
    • B) 19th Amendment
    • C) 20th Amendment
    • D) 21st Amendment
  8. What does the 4th Amendment protect citizens from?

    • A) Quartering of soldiers
    • B) Unreasonable searches and seizures
    • C) Cruel and unusual punishment
    • D) Excessive bail
  9. The 14th Amendment addresses what major issue?

    • A) Voting rights for women
    • B) Abolition of slavery
    • C) Citizenship rights and equal protection under the law
    • D) Prohibition of alcohol
  10. What does the 8th Amendment prohibit?

    • A) The establishment of a state religion
    • B) Excessive bail, excessive fines, and cruel and unusual punishment
    • C) Self-incrimination
    • D) Voting restrictions based on race


  1. B) Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition
  2. C) 13th Amendment
  3. B) Women's suffrage
  4. C) Protection against self-incrimination, double jeopardy, and ensures due process
  5. D) 26th Amendment
  6. B) Right to bear arms
  7. D) 21st Amendment
  8. B) Unreasonable searches and seizures
  9. C) Citizenship rights and equal protection under the law
  10. B) Excessive bail, excessive fines, and cruel and unusual punishment


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